this image contains text
cY-cd02.ans Cyber Data Issue 02 Marc
h/April 1995
back with Union Productions to stay
please see appendix I for ansi request information
Cyber Data Issue 02 - Cybernarys Views an
d Perspectives
1st union edition - march
/april 1995
Hello and welcome to Cyber Data issue 02, the little text f
ile youll
find floating around the scene that publishes the views and perspectiv
es and
the greets too : of Cybernary. The first issue was released with the grou
Spastic Studios, the issue is being released with a different group. The g
is Union Productions.
You probably noticed by now that I must be back with Union, and well I
am. I did quit Union, and I did join Spastic and released with them i
n there
first pack, but now I have decided to stay out the rest of my ansi hobby ca
in the group I helped form, Union Productions. I would just like to say to
people at Spastic that I hold no hard feelings toward you guys, and I hope
dont harbor any hard feelings toward me either. I liked Spastic, and
still do
but upon finding out from NailZ that he was returning to run the group
, I had
decided to join back up with Union. You see me and Nailz founded the group
I think it would be fun to be back in it with him considering he hasent re
officially run the group in almost a year now. I hope you dont get lame
rag on me or anything like that because I think you guys are above tha
t and can
handle my decision to leave. It was a very fun month, and a very nice pack
You guys have alot of talent, and I wish you luck in the future. oh yea E
you kick ass : and Actraiser is looking very good as well!
My reasons for coming back to Union are very simple, It is like my home
within the ansi scene. I helped start the group and have been affiliated i
off and on longer then any other group I have been in. It is a good grou
p of
guys, and too tell you the truth with some certain people not taking a ro
in running the group anymore, it is the group is used to be. Union was sta
with the idea of having fun, somewhere along the line we got caught up in t
race to be 1 but well, we are back where we started. Having fun. The gro
is more stable, and now that I know it didnt really die i was told o
by some of those certain people, I would like to stay with them for
as long
as they are around.
Okay enough of my news and bullshit, lets get to my thoughts for the
month shall we? Small groups... good or bad?! In my opinion the small gro
helps the scene in general in a good way.
Small groups are the life blood of the scene. They develop new and
very talented artists every month. Sure there are the lame ones that show
and release a crap load iP of iP ripped iP artwork doS but that wil
always happen. Just ignore them, they suck, they are lame, they will not b
around long. But without small groups you wouldnt have the likes of Union,
Blade, Shiver, Relic, etc. All these groups started out as fledgling small
groups. Union was built upon two small groups, and now look at them. Once
the lower small groups have been weeded out, the better ones shine and beco
the groups of the future.
This also goes for artists too. Lord Jazz started in a small group,
just think if he hadent gotten in contact with that group. He may not have
ever found out all about ACiD, never joined ACiD, and never made an impact
the scene. Look at Eerie, Eerie started out in Imperial, a smaller circuit
group, now look at him. Look at Chromatik he is great, him and Lord Jazz
are two of the best in my opinion of Blade, he is very talented, and is ST
in a smaller group. Usually EVERYONE starts out in a small group, so
how can
you call them stupid or lame? Sure there are stupid and lame ones, but ove
all, the small groups help the scene out alot. They are a breeding ground
the larger groups, and sometimes they even rise up and become a larger
As you can see small groups really do help, so just ignore the really
bad ones. They will die within a few months, but there will always be the
that produce the artists of tomorrow. Well thats about it for my bullshit,
next month look for some tips on how to run a group effectively, either tha
t or
how to do your taxes in 30 seconds or less all it takes is a paper shredde
yES yES yES!
s Greets and Stuff
Special Gr
eets to Union 1995
NailZ - Im glad you feel the way you do about Union, your right, it
of Union shouldnt just roll over and die. Union is here to stay. Y
kick ass man, make me another ansi
Eerie - I hope there are no hard feelings, I had fun while I was wit
of Spastic Spastic but I see that Union is where I should be for good.
hope Spastic does well, you guys are a great group.
The Wizard -Like I said in the greet to Eerie, I hope you do not hold
of Spastic hard feelings towards me, or Union because of me leaving. Li
I said before, I like Spastic and hope you guys do well, but I
looked back, and after talking with some people decided that I
would like to finish off my ansi career with Union, the group
I helped found and the group I have been with longer then any
other group I have been in.
Lord Jazz - Im gonna have to give you a call man long time no chat,
of Bleach how is bLeACH going? You kick ass man, think you could make
a logo for cYBER fORCE? :
Neurotic - How is iCE man? Hope your enjoying your stay with them, mayb
of iCE you will come back to Union some day. I think NailZ would agree
with me when we say Union will always welcome you
Group greetings go out too all of Union Productions stick with it guys!,
of Spastic Studios you guys are cool and fun, good luck:, ACiD, iCE,
Cyber Data Issue 02 - Cybernarys Views and Pe
1st union edition - march
/april 1995
detach and mail
Appendix I
At this time I *AM* taking ansi requests. I would just first off like
to say that I mainly exclusively create logos, so please do not reques
t a pic.
I do occasionally try my hand at pics but normally it is created by me
for a
friend, or for a board I call frequently. I do also do board setups, such
headers, menu sets, prompts, etc. The following application will enable yo
u to
request an aNSi from me
Presently I do *CHARGE*. My fees are 10 for a logo, and for board
setups they are negotiable. Normally though if I know you *AND* am feeling
generous, I shall do one for free. NOTE: the 10 usually includes 2 logos.
also accept trades, but normally in the way of pics for logos, because
I make
enough logos and would rather have a pic for my system in return
Please fill out the below application and mail them to be on pACbELL
packaged rebellion the Union World Headquarters. My internet account is
right now if anyone can get me a free one then please contact me! and I c
not recieve mail. When my internet account is stable I shall post the emai
Real Name:
Voice Telephone Number: -
Modem Telephone Number: -
Internet Email Address:
What would you like the ansi to say:
What is the ansi to be used for:
If the ansi is for a board advertisment fill In the below.
Board Name:
BBS Telephone Number: -
BBS Software:
General Information:
Any thing else I should know:
Are You willing to pay a fee for your ansi? YES NO MAYBE
Thank you for filling out the application, please mail it to me and I shall
get back to you as soon as possible to work out further details.
detach and mail
h/April 1995
back with Union Productions to stay
please see appendix I for ansi request information
Cyber Data Issue 02 - Cybernarys Views an
d Perspectives
1st union edition - march
/april 1995
Hello and welcome to Cyber Data issue 02, the little text f
ile youll
find floating around the scene that publishes the views and perspectiv
es and
the greets too : of Cybernary. The first issue was released with the grou
Spastic Studios, the issue is being released with a different group. The g
is Union Productions.
You probably noticed by now that I must be back with Union, and well I
am. I did quit Union, and I did join Spastic and released with them i
n there
first pack, but now I have decided to stay out the rest of my ansi hobby ca
in the group I helped form, Union Productions. I would just like to say to
people at Spastic that I hold no hard feelings toward you guys, and I hope
dont harbor any hard feelings toward me either. I liked Spastic, and
still do
but upon finding out from NailZ that he was returning to run the group
, I had
decided to join back up with Union. You see me and Nailz founded the group
I think it would be fun to be back in it with him considering he hasent re
officially run the group in almost a year now. I hope you dont get lame
rag on me or anything like that because I think you guys are above tha
t and can
handle my decision to leave. It was a very fun month, and a very nice pack
You guys have alot of talent, and I wish you luck in the future. oh yea E
you kick ass : and Actraiser is looking very good as well!
My reasons for coming back to Union are very simple, It is like my home
within the ansi scene. I helped start the group and have been affiliated i
off and on longer then any other group I have been in. It is a good grou
p of
guys, and too tell you the truth with some certain people not taking a ro
in running the group anymore, it is the group is used to be. Union was sta
with the idea of having fun, somewhere along the line we got caught up in t
race to be 1 but well, we are back where we started. Having fun. The gro
is more stable, and now that I know it didnt really die i was told o
by some of those certain people, I would like to stay with them for
as long
as they are around.
Okay enough of my news and bullshit, lets get to my thoughts for the
month shall we? Small groups... good or bad?! In my opinion the small gro
helps the scene in general in a good way.
Small groups are the life blood of the scene. They develop new and
very talented artists every month. Sure there are the lame ones that show
and release a crap load iP of iP ripped iP artwork doS but that wil
always happen. Just ignore them, they suck, they are lame, they will not b
around long. But without small groups you wouldnt have the likes of Union,
Blade, Shiver, Relic, etc. All these groups started out as fledgling small
groups. Union was built upon two small groups, and now look at them. Once
the lower small groups have been weeded out, the better ones shine and beco
the groups of the future.
This also goes for artists too. Lord Jazz started in a small group,
just think if he hadent gotten in contact with that group. He may not have
ever found out all about ACiD, never joined ACiD, and never made an impact
the scene. Look at Eerie, Eerie started out in Imperial, a smaller circuit
group, now look at him. Look at Chromatik he is great, him and Lord Jazz
are two of the best in my opinion of Blade, he is very talented, and is ST
in a smaller group. Usually EVERYONE starts out in a small group, so
how can
you call them stupid or lame? Sure there are stupid and lame ones, but ove
all, the small groups help the scene out alot. They are a breeding ground
the larger groups, and sometimes they even rise up and become a larger
As you can see small groups really do help, so just ignore the really
bad ones. They will die within a few months, but there will always be the
that produce the artists of tomorrow. Well thats about it for my bullshit,
next month look for some tips on how to run a group effectively, either tha
t or
how to do your taxes in 30 seconds or less all it takes is a paper shredde
yES yES yES!
s Greets and Stuff
Special Gr
eets to Union 1995
NailZ - Im glad you feel the way you do about Union, your right, it
of Union shouldnt just roll over and die. Union is here to stay. Y
kick ass man, make me another ansi
Eerie - I hope there are no hard feelings, I had fun while I was wit
of Spastic Spastic but I see that Union is where I should be for good.
hope Spastic does well, you guys are a great group.
The Wizard -Like I said in the greet to Eerie, I hope you do not hold
of Spastic hard feelings towards me, or Union because of me leaving. Li
I said before, I like Spastic and hope you guys do well, but I
looked back, and after talking with some people decided that I
would like to finish off my ansi career with Union, the group
I helped found and the group I have been with longer then any
other group I have been in.
Lord Jazz - Im gonna have to give you a call man long time no chat,
of Bleach how is bLeACH going? You kick ass man, think you could make
a logo for cYBER fORCE? :
Neurotic - How is iCE man? Hope your enjoying your stay with them, mayb
of iCE you will come back to Union some day. I think NailZ would agree
with me when we say Union will always welcome you
Group greetings go out too all of Union Productions stick with it guys!,
of Spastic Studios you guys are cool and fun, good luck:, ACiD, iCE,
Cyber Data Issue 02 - Cybernarys Views and Pe
1st union edition - march
/april 1995
detach and mail
Appendix I
At this time I *AM* taking ansi requests. I would just first off like
to say that I mainly exclusively create logos, so please do not reques
t a pic.
I do occasionally try my hand at pics but normally it is created by me
for a
friend, or for a board I call frequently. I do also do board setups, such
headers, menu sets, prompts, etc. The following application will enable yo
u to
request an aNSi from me
Presently I do *CHARGE*. My fees are 10 for a logo, and for board
setups they are negotiable. Normally though if I know you *AND* am feeling
generous, I shall do one for free. NOTE: the 10 usually includes 2 logos.
also accept trades, but normally in the way of pics for logos, because
I make
enough logos and would rather have a pic for my system in return
Please fill out the below application and mail them to be on pACbELL
packaged rebellion the Union World Headquarters. My internet account is
right now if anyone can get me a free one then please contact me! and I c
not recieve mail. When my internet account is stable I shall post the emai
Real Name:
Voice Telephone Number: -
Modem Telephone Number: -
Internet Email Address:
What would you like the ansi to say:
What is the ansi to be used for:
If the ansi is for a board advertisment fill In the below.
Board Name:
BBS Telephone Number: -
BBS Software:
General Information:
Any thing else I should know:
Are You willing to pay a fee for your ansi? YES NO MAYBE
Thank you for filling out the application, please mail it to me and I shall
get back to you as soon as possible to work out further details.
detach and mail
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