this image contains text
Well after yet another fun-filled delay in production from Union, we
finally managed to get ourselves pulled together. Many things have
happened over the last month and a half. Im sure youre just going to be
flipping to the art and scrapping this, but for those who really care...
We started off after the February pack with some very optimistic feelings.
For instance, we were contacted by a senior member from another art group,
Visual Insanity, of an interest in a merge between our two groups. After
giving it much thought and hoping to gain some members, we accepted.
Greviously to one minor term of theirs, to keep the name Visual Insanity.
After much negative feedback and our own conciouses creeping up on us, we
decided that it would not be in Unions best interest to bail out so soon.
Thus we came back with a stronger sense of picking Union back up and
enforcing some stricter reasoning in our membership.
For instance, many boards today dont really want to support the
groups. They seem to just be accepting the groups for the affiliation to
make their board sound so much better. As much as this maybe okay, the
groups still need support from the boards to make the group run better with
less headaches. So for this to work for Union, we removed affilation from
all boards except our WHQ and Canadian HQ. From now on all boards that will
be accepted are going to have to meet requirements and show dedication and
support to the group. A more detailed list of these requirements can be
found at the end of this file.
As well we cleaned up the member list. We decided to remove all those
that we could not contact or had not attempted to contact us with some sort
of production for the group. The result is a much more realistic list of
dedicated members which are doing their best.
In other member news, I moved myself from a Senior position to just a
Co-ordinator as I am finding myself getting in over my head in work other
than the group. So main decisions will be made by Nailz and Neurotic
formerly No Carrier, as well as the individual division co-ordinators.
Union would like to welcome some new members to the group. We finally
caught up with Kool. A VERY talented ansi artist, from which you will see
some of his work in this pack. Kool was previously with iMAGE before the
iMAGE / VOiD merge. Luckily we managed to convince him to join Union where
he would be more appreciated than his other options he was considering.
Union also picked up Hound. He is another Ansi artist who has some excellent
work in the pack this month. Satanic Goldfish joins Future Assasin in the
Music department. We hope to hear some of his compositions very soon. As
well, filling in the gap in the coding department is Epitaph. We hope to
see some of his work in our packs very soon as well. Finally, we have two
new trial members, both ansi artists, Ravage Bias and Tribal Fish. We had
hoped to have some of their work for this pack but do to late applications
and deadlines, we were unable to get any of their work for the pack.
I think that about sums up the works and business of Union over the last
month and a half. We hope you enjoy the pack, and if you like what you see,
and/or are interested in joining the group as a member or a supporting site,
dont hesititate to contact the group on a major Headquarter board.
- Union Co-Ordinator
We decided not to include a viewer with this archive for the simple
reason that there is already an abundance of quality viewers out there by
other groups. By next month, if all goes well, we should have a viewer
that can live up to current standards, such as those of ACiD, iCE and
Tip o the Hat to:
Opticals Dad: For resetting the board...
Terminal Entry: One day, I swear! Ill finish that term program. :
Dark Image: Have a blast... It was good while it lasted.
The Loon: Stupid faces and all...
Quazar: Well... were doing our best... its all that matters.
Pennywise: How about that intro?
iCE: The legend lives on...
ACiD: Size is not always as important as quality... keep it
TRiBE: Just to say... HEY
EVERY art group: No matter how small you are, keep pluggin away at it.
Keep an overall goal of producing good art and having
fun, not one of global domination. Dont rip.
ACiD Conference: Greetings from up north. Anyone want some beaver pelts?
Only 19.95. Hey John, you better get to Yolanda before
Ed steals her with his voice.
All Couriers: Keep the groups moving... but remember the life
outside the microchip, eh?
-+ Union Senior Staff +-
Nailz, Neurotic
-+ Union Co-Ordination Staff +-
-+ Union ANSi Staff +-
Hound, Kool, Malignant Corruption,
Nailz, Neurotic, Stone Angel
-+ Union VGA Staff +-
Astaroth, Blue Devil
-+ Union Music Staff +-
Future Assassin, Satanic Goldfish
-+ Union Coding Staff +-
-+ Union Trial Staff +-
Ravage Bias, Tribal Fish
-+ Union Couriering Staff +-
Maxx, Neurotic
-+ UNiON Site List +-
Bulletin Board Name StatusNodes AC SysOp
Flatlined Reality World HQ 1 613 NAiLZ
Programmed Illusion Canadian HQ 1 613 Neurotic
Northern HQ
Southern HQ
Central HQ
Harvest Moon Eastern HQ1 216 Quran
Western HQ
Waking Nightmare Candn Dist. 604 Prince of Death
Candn Dist.
Candn Dist.
Candn Dist.
Candn Dist.
The Cult US Dist Site1 314 Psyco Child
The Keg US Dist Site1 914 Six Pack
US Dist Site
US Dist Site
US Dist Site
All previous Union sites have been dropped. Those in the above list are
the only ones currently affilated with the group. Some sites just werent
supporting the group. Once all the above positions are filled, Union will
no longer be accepting sites. All Union sites must:
Have a ratio free Union distribution base with all Union packs in it.
Carry UniNet, a network set up for the express purpose of keeping
Union in contact with all sites, member boards, and most importantly
our supporters.
Be be currently SUPPORTING other art groups such as ACiD, iCE,
Gothic, etc.
Support art oriented networks.
Support a minimum baud rate of 14400 v32 bis.
Keep up to date with the art scene by support the groups as far as
having their packs on-line.
In order to qualify as a Headquarter board, you must *ALSO* have the
100+ quality art users
Over 70 long distance art member or supporting callers.
More than one node or higher than 14400
If your board fills the above requirements, then please set up the
following, as you will be accepted, so long all the positions in your
application area have not already been filled.
UniNet - EchoTags
EchoName EchoDescription Access Given To:
UNiGEN General Discussion All Sites / All Users
UNiDISC UNiON Discussion All Sites / All Users
UNiREQ UNiON Requests All Sites / All Users
UNiOSM OSMiUM Discussion All Sites / All Users
UNiOREQ OSMiUM Requests All Sites / All Users
UNiAD BBS Advertisements All Sites / All Users
UNiANS1 UNiON Ansi Displays All Sites / All Users
UNiSIT UNiON Sites Only All Sites / SysOp + 1 Drop to Dos Co
UNiTEST Test Messages All Sites / Site SysOps Only
o Set up your mailer to recieve mail and pack for 193:214/0 if you make
arangements for another site to poll off of you, make SURE they and
193:214/0 know.
Once you have that complete, contact Neurotic on Programmed Illusion,
613-824-7375. The current modem sometimes acts bitchy, so, if youre having
connection problems, try setting your modem at a speed under 14400. Dont
worry, theres a new modem on the way.
Neurotic UNiON Senior
Well after yet another fun-filled delay in production from Union, we
finally managed to get ourselves pulled together. Many things have
happened over the last month and a half. Im sure youre just going to be
flipping to the art and scrapping this, but for those who really care...
We started off after the February pack with some very optimistic feelings.
For instance, we were contacted by a senior member from another art group,
Visual Insanity, of an interest in a merge between our two groups. After
giving it much thought and hoping to gain some members, we accepted.
Greviously to one minor term of theirs, to keep the name Visual Insanity.
After much negative feedback and our own conciouses creeping up on us, we
decided that it would not be in Unions best interest to bail out so soon.
Thus we came back with a stronger sense of picking Union back up and
enforcing some stricter reasoning in our membership.
For instance, many boards today dont really want to support the
groups. They seem to just be accepting the groups for the affiliation to
make their board sound so much better. As much as this maybe okay, the
groups still need support from the boards to make the group run better with
less headaches. So for this to work for Union, we removed affilation from
all boards except our WHQ and Canadian HQ. From now on all boards that will
be accepted are going to have to meet requirements and show dedication and
support to the group. A more detailed list of these requirements can be
found at the end of this file.
As well we cleaned up the member list. We decided to remove all those
that we could not contact or had not attempted to contact us with some sort
of production for the group. The result is a much more realistic list of
dedicated members which are doing their best.
In other member news, I moved myself from a Senior position to just a
Co-ordinator as I am finding myself getting in over my head in work other
than the group. So main decisions will be made by Nailz and Neurotic
formerly No Carrier, as well as the individual division co-ordinators.
Union would like to welcome some new members to the group. We finally
caught up with Kool. A VERY talented ansi artist, from which you will see
some of his work in this pack. Kool was previously with iMAGE before the
iMAGE / VOiD merge. Luckily we managed to convince him to join Union where
he would be more appreciated than his other options he was considering.
Union also picked up Hound. He is another Ansi artist who has some excellent
work in the pack this month. Satanic Goldfish joins Future Assasin in the
Music department. We hope to hear some of his compositions very soon. As
well, filling in the gap in the coding department is Epitaph. We hope to
see some of his work in our packs very soon as well. Finally, we have two
new trial members, both ansi artists, Ravage Bias and Tribal Fish. We had
hoped to have some of their work for this pack but do to late applications
and deadlines, we were unable to get any of their work for the pack.
I think that about sums up the works and business of Union over the last
month and a half. We hope you enjoy the pack, and if you like what you see,
and/or are interested in joining the group as a member or a supporting site,
dont hesititate to contact the group on a major Headquarter board.
- Union Co-Ordinator
We decided not to include a viewer with this archive for the simple
reason that there is already an abundance of quality viewers out there by
other groups. By next month, if all goes well, we should have a viewer
that can live up to current standards, such as those of ACiD, iCE and
Tip o the Hat to:
Opticals Dad: For resetting the board...
Terminal Entry: One day, I swear! Ill finish that term program. :
Dark Image: Have a blast... It was good while it lasted.
The Loon: Stupid faces and all...
Quazar: Well... were doing our best... its all that matters.
Pennywise: How about that intro?
iCE: The legend lives on...
ACiD: Size is not always as important as quality... keep it
TRiBE: Just to say... HEY
EVERY art group: No matter how small you are, keep pluggin away at it.
Keep an overall goal of producing good art and having
fun, not one of global domination. Dont rip.
ACiD Conference: Greetings from up north. Anyone want some beaver pelts?
Only 19.95. Hey John, you better get to Yolanda before
Ed steals her with his voice.
All Couriers: Keep the groups moving... but remember the life
outside the microchip, eh?
-+ Union Senior Staff +-
Nailz, Neurotic
-+ Union Co-Ordination Staff +-
-+ Union ANSi Staff +-
Hound, Kool, Malignant Corruption,
Nailz, Neurotic, Stone Angel
-+ Union VGA Staff +-
Astaroth, Blue Devil
-+ Union Music Staff +-
Future Assassin, Satanic Goldfish
-+ Union Coding Staff +-
-+ Union Trial Staff +-
Ravage Bias, Tribal Fish
-+ Union Couriering Staff +-
Maxx, Neurotic
-+ UNiON Site List +-
Bulletin Board Name StatusNodes AC SysOp
Flatlined Reality World HQ 1 613 NAiLZ
Programmed Illusion Canadian HQ 1 613 Neurotic
Northern HQ
Southern HQ
Central HQ
Harvest Moon Eastern HQ1 216 Quran
Western HQ
Waking Nightmare Candn Dist. 604 Prince of Death
Candn Dist.
Candn Dist.
Candn Dist.
Candn Dist.
The Cult US Dist Site1 314 Psyco Child
The Keg US Dist Site1 914 Six Pack
US Dist Site
US Dist Site
US Dist Site
All previous Union sites have been dropped. Those in the above list are
the only ones currently affilated with the group. Some sites just werent
supporting the group. Once all the above positions are filled, Union will
no longer be accepting sites. All Union sites must:
Have a ratio free Union distribution base with all Union packs in it.
Carry UniNet, a network set up for the express purpose of keeping
Union in contact with all sites, member boards, and most importantly
our supporters.
Be be currently SUPPORTING other art groups such as ACiD, iCE,
Gothic, etc.
Support art oriented networks.
Support a minimum baud rate of 14400 v32 bis.
Keep up to date with the art scene by support the groups as far as
having their packs on-line.
In order to qualify as a Headquarter board, you must *ALSO* have the
100+ quality art users
Over 70 long distance art member or supporting callers.
More than one node or higher than 14400
If your board fills the above requirements, then please set up the
following, as you will be accepted, so long all the positions in your
application area have not already been filled.
UniNet - EchoTags
EchoName EchoDescription Access Given To:
UNiGEN General Discussion All Sites / All Users
UNiDISC UNiON Discussion All Sites / All Users
UNiREQ UNiON Requests All Sites / All Users
UNiOSM OSMiUM Discussion All Sites / All Users
UNiOREQ OSMiUM Requests All Sites / All Users
UNiAD BBS Advertisements All Sites / All Users
UNiANS1 UNiON Ansi Displays All Sites / All Users
UNiSIT UNiON Sites Only All Sites / SysOp + 1 Drop to Dos Co
UNiTEST Test Messages All Sites / Site SysOps Only
o Set up your mailer to recieve mail and pack for 193:214/0 if you make
arangements for another site to poll off of you, make SURE they and
193:214/0 know.
Once you have that complete, contact Neurotic on Programmed Illusion,
613-824-7375. The current modem sometimes acts bitchy, so, if youre having
connection problems, try setting your modem at a speed under 14400. Dont
worry, theres a new modem on the way.
Neurotic UNiON Senior
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