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Once again, Union produces another fine art pack. Sitting back as
co-ordinator of things, I get to see each month how hard the members of
this group really work. It is a pleasure to be a part of an art group
that seems more concerned over putting out art that is enjoyable than
seething with the usual power-hungry attitude.
Many things have happened over the last month. The most prominant of
movements in the art scene was the merger of Empire with Union. Various
talks with Empire were created and after a few calls between Shadowhawk
and Nailz, the deal was set. Union would no move to be a very strong and
artistically bound team. Union gained an overall total of approximatly 20
fresh, and very talented members. One downfall from the merger was the
loss of Hooptie. Due to matters out of his hands, he found himself needing
to drop out of the scene. As well, Primordial Chowder found need to
remove himself from the scene for awhile, however, he did leave us with
some of his last works to add to our pack this month. Replay thinks that
he will find a better home with Nation and has taken his artistic
endevours there. He would have be a welcome addition to our group and
Union wishes him the best with Nation.
Elsewhere, Union kindly welcomes Dark Deception, formerly of Tribe
into our Ansi division. Dark Deception is a very skilled Ansi artist as
Union is sure you will agree by the end of this pack. Also, Exile, a
talented VGA artist from Toronto 905 joined on as a trial member with
Union and with continued effort, should have no problem becoming a full-
fledged member.
Future Assassin, one of our treasured music composers, was recently
stricken with a deadly case of Mono. But, in his strong-willed nature,
he came back strong and wrote two new songs in one week. Hound, yet
another member of our skilled Ansi department, found himself feeling
under par for Union standards, but we were quick to show him his
talents and brought him around. Hound has determined that his thoughts
of retiring were silly and illogical so he has decided to stay, which we
are extremely grateful.
Unfortunately, Ravage Bias could not keep contact with us so he
joined iCE because he did not hear back from us. We are still trying to
contact him, and encourage him to join if he is still interested.
Acidflash was at one point in a trial period, but due to an over-
zealous attempt at being in a group and not really giving serious effort
to his work, he was removed from trial status.
And last, but mst certainly not least, a very prominant collection of
codings best, Apex, took on a project to make Union a new viewer. This
was a most needed part of our packs ever since Winter Mute decided to
discontinue his. Take note that due to much rushing on our part, Apex has
only been able to release a Beta version to their viewer. There are still
a few bugs and options left open for future versions. Even at the beta
state, it is a very well put together viewer and Union looks forward to
the final version.
I think that about sums up the works and business of Union over the last
month. We hope you enjoy the pack, and if you like what you see, and/or are
interested in joining the group as a member or a supporting site, do not
hesititate to contact the group on a major Headquarter board.
- Union Co-Ordinator
Blue Devil: FA wants a greet... go figure?
Flourescent Darkness: Cool music... can we have some?
Future Assassin: Better anchor yourself down... I hear the wind
is picking up...
Hound: Where were you, Saturday at 6:30pm?
The Loon: .... hmmm... CAAB FAAH ... yeah.. you know it.
Nailz: Competitive my ass!
Plum: You gotta be the best lad around... keep it up.
Quran: Its NOT ay... its eh? :
Satanic Goldfish: Have you met the MIDI man?
Shawdow Hawk: Maybe we can talk sometime soon.
Replay, Ravage Bias: You guys still interested?
Bails, Dils, Jim: Mang, Mang, and Mang right?
Tod Orcim: Just because...
Jim Blair: Well... hell... you know youre the best.
Apex: Wicked viewer...
DARK, Alive,
Relic, Die: What do you think?
Breed: Union still sucks right?
Laser Quest: Unions favorite past-time...
Everyone in the US: We REALLY dont know Quebec...
Once again, Union produces another fine art pack. Sitting back as
co-ordinator of things, I get to see each month how hard the members of
this group really work. It is a pleasure to be a part of an art group
that seems more concerned over putting out art that is enjoyable than
seething with the usual power-hungry attitude.
Many things have happened over the last month. The most prominant of
movements in the art scene was the merger of Empire with Union. Various
talks with Empire were created and after a few calls between Shadowhawk
and Nailz, the deal was set. Union would no move to be a very strong and
artistically bound team. Union gained an overall total of approximatly 20
fresh, and very talented members. One downfall from the merger was the
loss of Hooptie. Due to matters out of his hands, he found himself needing
to drop out of the scene. As well, Primordial Chowder found need to
remove himself from the scene for awhile, however, he did leave us with
some of his last works to add to our pack this month. Replay thinks that
he will find a better home with Nation and has taken his artistic
endevours there. He would have be a welcome addition to our group and
Union wishes him the best with Nation.
Elsewhere, Union kindly welcomes Dark Deception, formerly of Tribe
into our Ansi division. Dark Deception is a very skilled Ansi artist as
Union is sure you will agree by the end of this pack. Also, Exile, a
talented VGA artist from Toronto 905 joined on as a trial member with
Union and with continued effort, should have no problem becoming a full-
fledged member.
Future Assassin, one of our treasured music composers, was recently
stricken with a deadly case of Mono. But, in his strong-willed nature,
he came back strong and wrote two new songs in one week. Hound, yet
another member of our skilled Ansi department, found himself feeling
under par for Union standards, but we were quick to show him his
talents and brought him around. Hound has determined that his thoughts
of retiring were silly and illogical so he has decided to stay, which we
are extremely grateful.
Unfortunately, Ravage Bias could not keep contact with us so he
joined iCE because he did not hear back from us. We are still trying to
contact him, and encourage him to join if he is still interested.
Acidflash was at one point in a trial period, but due to an over-
zealous attempt at being in a group and not really giving serious effort
to his work, he was removed from trial status.
And last, but mst certainly not least, a very prominant collection of
codings best, Apex, took on a project to make Union a new viewer. This
was a most needed part of our packs ever since Winter Mute decided to
discontinue his. Take note that due to much rushing on our part, Apex has
only been able to release a Beta version to their viewer. There are still
a few bugs and options left open for future versions. Even at the beta
state, it is a very well put together viewer and Union looks forward to
the final version.
I think that about sums up the works and business of Union over the last
month. We hope you enjoy the pack, and if you like what you see, and/or are
interested in joining the group as a member or a supporting site, do not
hesititate to contact the group on a major Headquarter board.
- Union Co-Ordinator
Blue Devil: FA wants a greet... go figure?
Flourescent Darkness: Cool music... can we have some?
Future Assassin: Better anchor yourself down... I hear the wind
is picking up...
Hound: Where were you, Saturday at 6:30pm?
The Loon: .... hmmm... CAAB FAAH ... yeah.. you know it.
Nailz: Competitive my ass!
Plum: You gotta be the best lad around... keep it up.
Quran: Its NOT ay... its eh? :
Satanic Goldfish: Have you met the MIDI man?
Shawdow Hawk: Maybe we can talk sometime soon.
Replay, Ravage Bias: You guys still interested?
Bails, Dils, Jim: Mang, Mang, and Mang right?
Tod Orcim: Just because...
Jim Blair: Well... hell... you know youre the best.
Apex: Wicked viewer...
DARK, Alive,
Relic, Die: What do you think?
Breed: Union still sucks right?
Laser Quest: Unions favorite past-time...
Everyone in the US: We REALLY dont know Quebec...
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