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U p r i s e 4
- Uprise 4
Your probaly thinking Didnt these guys die??, well that is partially true,
Uprise died for about one month, then we decided to resurrect Uprise.
Pack 3 - nothing in it, thats because we thought Uprise did die, then a few
weeks later image and d-zine decided to resurrect Uprise and its members and
to start again.
Due to the re-building of Uprise by image and d-zine, i guess its fair that
d-zine is to replace stings position as senior.
one loss to uprise was systolic, left to rca, good luck.
two additions this month to Uprise, one from melbourne and one from sydney,
we welcome Silent death to uprise and wish him luck with us.
Crow joins uprise, a very quiet drawer, and very skilled, i hope he enjoys
his stay with Uprise aswell.
- Scene news
The sydney scene aint all that was expected, with staesis and rush closing, it
made us all think that it was only gonna get worser, well that aint all true,
rush is going to be back online, running oblivion/2.
Staesis is comming back online, with all new files, and cyrogenic of avenge is
making a board as well, all i know that it will be running oblivion and he mite
even call it dark sorrow again.
- Other stuph
all Uprise members submit your work in by the 25th of every month, dont forget
its the quality NOT the quantity, if you dont understand that im trying to say
that DONT put in shit job ansi or itll fuck uprise and yourself up.
We are still accepting application forms for uprise just fill in the applicationform and send it to sting on amnesia 96211205 or just e-mail me on:
-Sting-@usa.net that should be right.
- Memberlist -
S T I N G ::::: ANSI
S I L E N T D E A T H ::::: ANSI
D - Z I N E ::::: ANSI
C R O W ::::: ANSI
I M A G E ::::: ASCII
S Y N M A T I C ::::: CODING
P H U T U R E G R O O V E ::::: MUSIK
F O C U S ::::: MUSIK
- Uprise 4
Your probaly thinking Didnt these guys die??, well that is partially true,
Uprise died for about one month, then we decided to resurrect Uprise.
Pack 3 - nothing in it, thats because we thought Uprise did die, then a few
weeks later image and d-zine decided to resurrect Uprise and its members and
to start again.
Due to the re-building of Uprise by image and d-zine, i guess its fair that
d-zine is to replace stings position as senior.
one loss to uprise was systolic, left to rca, good luck.
two additions this month to Uprise, one from melbourne and one from sydney,
we welcome Silent death to uprise and wish him luck with us.
Crow joins uprise, a very quiet drawer, and very skilled, i hope he enjoys
his stay with Uprise aswell.
- Scene news
The sydney scene aint all that was expected, with staesis and rush closing, it
made us all think that it was only gonna get worser, well that aint all true,
rush is going to be back online, running oblivion/2.
Staesis is comming back online, with all new files, and cyrogenic of avenge is
making a board as well, all i know that it will be running oblivion and he mite
even call it dark sorrow again.
- Other stuph
all Uprise members submit your work in by the 25th of every month, dont forget
its the quality NOT the quantity, if you dont understand that im trying to say
that DONT put in shit job ansi or itll fuck uprise and yourself up.
We are still accepting application forms for uprise just fill in the applicationform and send it to sting on amnesia 96211205 or just e-mail me on:
-Sting-@usa.net that should be right.
- Memberlist -
S T I N G ::::: ANSI
S I L E N T D E A T H ::::: ANSI
D - Z I N E ::::: ANSI
C R O W ::::: ANSI
I M A G E ::::: ASCII
S Y N M A T I C ::::: CODING
P H U T U R E G R O O V E ::::: MUSIK
F O C U S ::::: MUSIK
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