this image contains text
Contents.. 01Information 05 Affiliate Links
02Members List06 File ID Diz 03Join Information07 File Descriptions
04ANSi Resources08 Statistics, Leet
01. Vii-X2 2: Artists are your ANTI-HEROS December 15th 2005 Were back! Its December and weve done something that most groups had never even thought of! Release a second pack!@ Were glady to be bringing some juicy fruity goodness to the underground computer artworld and were also glad that we didnt draw any stupid ass Christmas themed ansis to go along with this December release. I will keep this short. The End. ViiX2 Contest Information! Thank you to Avenging Angel and ZeroVision for taking the time to create art for the VII Contest. The Prize for the winner is the Dark Domain DVD and an original pencil drawing. I was hoping for at least four submissions for this contest considering the prize available but I guess when two of the top tier artists create something everyone else is just too afraid to compete! It makes
sense. Both contest ansis are fantastic, ZeroVision created a
great drawing I can only best describe as Boomstick. An amazing
piece of ANSi art. Avenging Angel poured his heart into an
awesome original ansi which took the extent of his time spent on
textmode artwork this month. I am afraid to say that I can choose no winner, they both win. I will send them both a Dark Domain DVD and one of my original pencil drawings. Thank you both for the time you dedicated to this. I am sorry there werent more people to compete with. They are both excellent. Thanks. Email me with your home address as soon as possible or just talk to me on irc. tcf piscesparabol@aol.com NEW CONTEST - ViiX2 Contest Information continued
This contest will be much the same as the first. You can create any ANSi youd like for any BBS. The only rule is no one sees it but myself prior to the 3rd Vii Release expected to hit bytes around early February. I hope there will be enough submissions to choose a winner but if you are the only one who draws you will still get the prize. The Prize will be a Dark Domain DVD OR anything on BestBuy.com costing less than 30US Dollars. Ill ship it anywhere worldwide. So get at it! Create something and you could be known as a winner for
what would perhaps be the first time in your life!@ I predict ZV wins. Can you do something about that? Only you can decide. Thats right. You go to BestBuy.com, choose the prize, I buy, it shows up on your moms doorstep! - TCF thanks! 02. Vii-X2 2: Santas Helpers 12/15/05 And a couple reindeer Lets Read the Yellow Snow
!-RMRadman radman@acid.org
*-TNTTainted tntbox4x@hotmail.com
*-TCFFever piscesparabol@aol.com --AVGAvenging Angel Starving@Ethiopia.com ---ETEternal Vii Alumni
---RSRichard Scarry Famed Author
---SPSpear --SPHSephiroth sadist@exet.nu ---UYou? YourEmail@address.extension --zOEnzo ayres2002@hotmail.com !-Santa Clause *-Santas Elves --Retarded Online Galleries: vii.artsomnia.com/gallery Galleries contain career compilations of Vii artists. ANSi Hall of Fame galleries. All Vii Releases. Recent Sense releases and more... So visit, comment, rate pictures, and upload your own if you wish. 03. Vii-X2 2: Join Information So, You Want To Be A Hero? Contact TCF on EFNET IRC or email piscesparabol@aol.com 04. Vii-X2 1: Digitizius Resevoir
Finding ANSi and Related Applications
ACiDView Version 6.1 ACiDView 6.1 is a great art viewer that will allow you to view many file types. ACiDView allows you to convert your textmode artwork to .png files to upload
to internet galleries. http://vii.artsomnia.com/files/avw-610.zip
rating: 8/10
Pablodraw Build 70 ANSi Art Editor for Windows This ANSi editor will allow you to create ANSi or ASCii art in windows and allow you to draw with friends over an internet connection. http://sourceforge.net/projects/pablodraw rating: 9/10 PabloView Final ANSi Art Viewer for Windows This is an alternative to ACiDview which lets you
convert files to PNG in batches and also views ripscript artwork which is a bonus for people who dig through older artpacks. http://vii.artsomnia.com/files/pabvw010.zip rating: 9/10
Tombstone Artist
RipScript Art Editor
This age old application allows you to edit RIP
drawings, very fun to draw and to view as when you load a RIP drawing it repeats your drawing process in fast motion. http://vii.artsomnia.com/files/tomb-200.zip rating: 10/10 05. Vii-X2 1: Consanguin Copula
Affiliated links from the mouth of hades.
vii.artsomnia.com - Coming very soon again..
vii.artsomnia.com/gallery - Unstoppable Sweetness Dude! www.darkdomain.org - The compilation DVD of TextArt from the underground art scene. Contains artpacks from 1991 - 2004, electronic mags, applications, programs, editors, viewers, and
www.mimic.ca/cgi-bin/m4/mview - Convert your ANSi to High Resolution images online.
tundradraw.ansiscene.com - New textmode Art editor in
developement. New Alpha Preview 5 released.
www.syaross.org/thedraw/ - Oldschool editor TheDraw for the sake of Nostalgia. A bittersweet long- ing for situations of the past. www.teleplex.net/wildcat/home/scene.htm - A short
but sufficient description of textmode art
and the artscene from ex-Ice member Wildcat.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ansiart - description of ANSi art at Wikipedia with related links.
06. Vii-X2 1: Dossier Concordance December 2005 Artpack Identification
tcf Vii-X2
7. Vii-X2 1: Dossier Assimilation I
Decembre 2005 File Descriptions Filename Artist Desshitzon FileID Fever ASCii Pack Description Information Fever/Enzo ViiX2 Information File avg-arts Avenging Angel ViiX2 Contest ANSi et-acid Eternal ACiDDRaw Tribute ANSi sph-horse Sephiroth Floating Horse Head sph-love Sephiroth ANSi Love Screen sph-wicked Sephiroth Wicked Minority ANSi step into reading Richard Scarry Step Into Reading Cover
tcf-artjerkz Fever Vii Logo tcf-artwerkz Fever Vii Logo tcf-cost of living Fever East 1999 Ad tcf-sadist Fever Sadist Logo tcf-set to stun Fever Roadrunner X Ad xxx-k1 Multiple Artists 27 Inch Logo xxx-roadrunner Multiple Artists Roadrunner X Ad xxx-soulfire Multiple Artists ANSi Joint xxx-tundradraw Multiple Artists TundraDraw Ad
xxx-we hijacked! Multiple Artists Hijacked ANSiripped
zv-aod ZeroVision VIIX2 Contest ANSi
zend EOF EOF Description 8. Vii-X2 1: Compendiom Syllibisci Artist Statistics, Haut Monde Artists statistics is something I came up with to
give us a little in-group competition. I know that
I will own t33h competition but it is still worth showing here because of its k-rad el33tnez. For every ansi released in a Vii Artpack you get one K-Rad Elite Point and you will be on top of the list if you lead the overall K-Rad El1te Pointnesses. You will be on bottom if you are K-Suxz Sh1t33.
Try to lead the way if you can. If you release a
collection of fonts or matrixes each one will count
as 1 pt. Any for of art will be permitted. Even
tampon doodles. You must have 1 pt to make this list.
Name PTS EXTRA ROOM FOR POINTS Analysis TCF Straight AVG Homo zO Homo SPH Homo ET Homo TNT Homo SP Homo ZV Homo ViiX2 II is dedicated to ZeroVision You are extremely appreciated and
mean an immeasurable amount to us
and the ANSi art medium.
ViiX2 2005
Contents.. 01Information 05 Affiliate Links
02Members List06 File ID Diz 03Join Information07 File Descriptions
04ANSi Resources08 Statistics, Leet
01. Vii-X2 2: Artists are your ANTI-HEROS December 15th 2005 Were back! Its December and weve done something that most groups had never even thought of! Release a second pack!@ Were glady to be bringing some juicy fruity goodness to the underground computer artworld and were also glad that we didnt draw any stupid ass Christmas themed ansis to go along with this December release. I will keep this short. The End. ViiX2 Contest Information! Thank you to Avenging Angel and ZeroVision for taking the time to create art for the VII Contest. The Prize for the winner is the Dark Domain DVD and an original pencil drawing. I was hoping for at least four submissions for this contest considering the prize available but I guess when two of the top tier artists create something everyone else is just too afraid to compete! It makes
sense. Both contest ansis are fantastic, ZeroVision created a
great drawing I can only best describe as Boomstick. An amazing
piece of ANSi art. Avenging Angel poured his heart into an
awesome original ansi which took the extent of his time spent on
textmode artwork this month. I am afraid to say that I can choose no winner, they both win. I will send them both a Dark Domain DVD and one of my original pencil drawings. Thank you both for the time you dedicated to this. I am sorry there werent more people to compete with. They are both excellent. Thanks. Email me with your home address as soon as possible or just talk to me on irc. tcf piscesparabol@aol.com NEW CONTEST - ViiX2 Contest Information continued
This contest will be much the same as the first. You can create any ANSi youd like for any BBS. The only rule is no one sees it but myself prior to the 3rd Vii Release expected to hit bytes around early February. I hope there will be enough submissions to choose a winner but if you are the only one who draws you will still get the prize. The Prize will be a Dark Domain DVD OR anything on BestBuy.com costing less than 30US Dollars. Ill ship it anywhere worldwide. So get at it! Create something and you could be known as a winner for
what would perhaps be the first time in your life!@ I predict ZV wins. Can you do something about that? Only you can decide. Thats right. You go to BestBuy.com, choose the prize, I buy, it shows up on your moms doorstep! - TCF thanks! 02. Vii-X2 2: Santas Helpers 12/15/05 And a couple reindeer Lets Read the Yellow Snow
!-RMRadman radman@acid.org
*-TNTTainted tntbox4x@hotmail.com
*-TCFFever piscesparabol@aol.com --AVGAvenging Angel Starving@Ethiopia.com ---ETEternal Vii Alumni
---RSRichard Scarry Famed Author
---SPSpear --SPHSephiroth sadist@exet.nu ---UYou? YourEmail@address.extension --zOEnzo ayres2002@hotmail.com !-Santa Clause *-Santas Elves --Retarded Online Galleries: vii.artsomnia.com/gallery Galleries contain career compilations of Vii artists. ANSi Hall of Fame galleries. All Vii Releases. Recent Sense releases and more... So visit, comment, rate pictures, and upload your own if you wish. 03. Vii-X2 2: Join Information So, You Want To Be A Hero? Contact TCF on EFNET IRC or email piscesparabol@aol.com 04. Vii-X2 1: Digitizius Resevoir
Finding ANSi and Related Applications
ACiDView Version 6.1 ACiDView 6.1 is a great art viewer that will allow you to view many file types. ACiDView allows you to convert your textmode artwork to .png files to upload
to internet galleries. http://vii.artsomnia.com/files/avw-610.zip
rating: 8/10
Pablodraw Build 70 ANSi Art Editor for Windows This ANSi editor will allow you to create ANSi or ASCii art in windows and allow you to draw with friends over an internet connection. http://sourceforge.net/projects/pablodraw rating: 9/10 PabloView Final ANSi Art Viewer for Windows This is an alternative to ACiDview which lets you
convert files to PNG in batches and also views ripscript artwork which is a bonus for people who dig through older artpacks. http://vii.artsomnia.com/files/pabvw010.zip rating: 9/10
Tombstone Artist
RipScript Art Editor
This age old application allows you to edit RIP
drawings, very fun to draw and to view as when you load a RIP drawing it repeats your drawing process in fast motion. http://vii.artsomnia.com/files/tomb-200.zip rating: 10/10 05. Vii-X2 1: Consanguin Copula
Affiliated links from the mouth of hades.
vii.artsomnia.com - Coming very soon again..
vii.artsomnia.com/gallery - Unstoppable Sweetness Dude! www.darkdomain.org - The compilation DVD of TextArt from the underground art scene. Contains artpacks from 1991 - 2004, electronic mags, applications, programs, editors, viewers, and
www.mimic.ca/cgi-bin/m4/mview - Convert your ANSi to High Resolution images online.
tundradraw.ansiscene.com - New textmode Art editor in
developement. New Alpha Preview 5 released.
www.syaross.org/thedraw/ - Oldschool editor TheDraw for the sake of Nostalgia. A bittersweet long- ing for situations of the past. www.teleplex.net/wildcat/home/scene.htm - A short
but sufficient description of textmode art
and the artscene from ex-Ice member Wildcat.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ansiart - description of ANSi art at Wikipedia with related links.
06. Vii-X2 1: Dossier Concordance December 2005 Artpack Identification
tcf Vii-X2
7. Vii-X2 1: Dossier Assimilation I
Decembre 2005 File Descriptions Filename Artist Desshitzon FileID Fever ASCii Pack Description Information Fever/Enzo ViiX2 Information File avg-arts Avenging Angel ViiX2 Contest ANSi et-acid Eternal ACiDDRaw Tribute ANSi sph-horse Sephiroth Floating Horse Head sph-love Sephiroth ANSi Love Screen sph-wicked Sephiroth Wicked Minority ANSi step into reading Richard Scarry Step Into Reading Cover
tcf-artjerkz Fever Vii Logo tcf-artwerkz Fever Vii Logo tcf-cost of living Fever East 1999 Ad tcf-sadist Fever Sadist Logo tcf-set to stun Fever Roadrunner X Ad xxx-k1 Multiple Artists 27 Inch Logo xxx-roadrunner Multiple Artists Roadrunner X Ad xxx-soulfire Multiple Artists ANSi Joint xxx-tundradraw Multiple Artists TundraDraw Ad
xxx-we hijacked! Multiple Artists Hijacked ANSiripped
zv-aod ZeroVision VIIX2 Contest ANSi
zend EOF EOF Description 8. Vii-X2 1: Compendiom Syllibisci Artist Statistics, Haut Monde Artists statistics is something I came up with to
give us a little in-group competition. I know that
I will own t33h competition but it is still worth showing here because of its k-rad el33tnez. For every ansi released in a Vii Artpack you get one K-Rad Elite Point and you will be on top of the list if you lead the overall K-Rad El1te Pointnesses. You will be on bottom if you are K-Suxz Sh1t33.
Try to lead the way if you can. If you release a
collection of fonts or matrixes each one will count
as 1 pt. Any for of art will be permitted. Even
tampon doodles. You must have 1 pt to make this list.
Name PTS EXTRA ROOM FOR POINTS Analysis TCF Straight AVG Homo zO Homo SPH Homo ET Homo TNT Homo SP Homo ZV Homo ViiX2 II is dedicated to ZeroVision You are extremely appreciated and
mean an immeasurable amount to us
and the ANSi art medium.
ViiX2 2005
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