this image contains text
Welcome Back...
Well after a really long delay, the 4th pack
is finally out.
Everyone t
hought ViViD was dead but no you were all wrong,
I had my computer updated and it took a re
ally long time so
thats why its been so late. Alot of members got kicke
out, and you find ViViD to s
tart to get alot better.
We would like to
welcome Fox to the group. Hes joining the
Ascii and Modding Departments.
Alot of members either quit or we kicke
d them off because
they really s
ucked. Anyways first, we kicked Viperex off
because he
was trying to lead the group against us and take
over the group. Also we are kicking Narcolepsy off fo
r using
Paranormal Intensitys board as
his own. Please if you do
call, dont call anymore. King Nothing i
s gone we lost total
contact from him. La
dy Gabrial is gone, lost contact with
her. Also Dolphins gone due to some
reasons. Also Absolute
Zero becuase he hasnt handed anything in, but he can
he wants.
Wordz from the Top
ght im really sorry for the group just leaving for two
months but i had to upgrade. But
were glad to be back Ive
been very busy trying to put this pack a
ll together. Finding
out that everyone ha
d been ploting shit behind my back has
made me really pissed off but I stil
l have the real KiLO.
- Paranormal Intensity
What to say, what to say? Actually, I
thought ViViD was
dead too. :
I wonder if anyone is actually reading this..
Looks a lit
tle like were trying to glorify ourselves..
But anyway, I just wanted to say that wed love to ha
any new talent you can bring to
our group. Ive always
wanted to code a diskmag type thing, so
if you can code in
some language that a
llows hi-resolution screens, the use
of a mouse, and sound, then Id real
ly like to know who
you are. :
- Lord Sith
on List
Higher Grounds World HQ
Inner Realm Dist
ro 6i3838-3034
0 Gravity Distro
Legacy: TRAITORSGATE Commander 8i9
zotvalle Files Thing
Welcome Back...
Well after a really long delay, the 4th pack
is finally out.
Everyone t
hought ViViD was dead but no you were all wrong,
I had my computer updated and it took a re
ally long time so
thats why its been so late. Alot of members got kicke
out, and you find ViViD to s
tart to get alot better.
We would like to
welcome Fox to the group. Hes joining the
Ascii and Modding Departments.
Alot of members either quit or we kicke
d them off because
they really s
ucked. Anyways first, we kicked Viperex off
because he
was trying to lead the group against us and take
over the group. Also we are kicking Narcolepsy off fo
r using
Paranormal Intensitys board as
his own. Please if you do
call, dont call anymore. King Nothing i
s gone we lost total
contact from him. La
dy Gabrial is gone, lost contact with
her. Also Dolphins gone due to some
reasons. Also Absolute
Zero becuase he hasnt handed anything in, but he can
he wants.
Wordz from the Top
ght im really sorry for the group just leaving for two
months but i had to upgrade. But
were glad to be back Ive
been very busy trying to put this pack a
ll together. Finding
out that everyone ha
d been ploting shit behind my back has
made me really pissed off but I stil
l have the real KiLO.
- Paranormal Intensity
What to say, what to say? Actually, I
thought ViViD was
dead too. :
I wonder if anyone is actually reading this..
Looks a lit
tle like were trying to glorify ourselves..
But anyway, I just wanted to say that wed love to ha
any new talent you can bring to
our group. Ive always
wanted to code a diskmag type thing, so
if you can code in
some language that a
llows hi-resolution screens, the use
of a mouse, and sound, then Id real
ly like to know who
you are. :
- Lord Sith
on List
Higher Grounds World HQ
Inner Realm Dist
ro 6i3838-3034
0 Gravity Distro
Legacy: TRAITORSGATE Commander 8i9
zotvalle Files Thing
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