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Here we are again. This is Visions of Reality VORs third pack.
Again, its been a busy month. An additional senior member was added to the
list. Congradulate Hollow Point if you see him. Not only is he a great ANSI
artist, but he has shown great leadership skills while heading the ANSI divi-
sion. This month people were held back because of mid-terms. I know, excuses
dont do any good, but people have been busy studying all month. In the end,
we still got the job done for the month and have quite a bit for the pack.
We have decided that we are going to release the mods in a seperate pack, for
last month, the mods made up over one meg of pack which was large enough so
that the couriers TURBINE had to cut the whole pack by a meg. Not much
has gone on internally for us besides for the promotion of HP. We have a
new application generator, thanks to Asterix. Im not going to waste your
time anymore with telling you guys about our backround read the other nfo
files in our other packs for that, so I guess thats it. Ill let the pack
say the rest.
Widow Maker
I must say that weve come a long way from when we began with only
four members about half a year ago. I would like to say that VOR is very
sorry about creating a pack that was just way too big. We hope that our
efforts this month with shortening the pack help the couriers the average
user with less of a hassle to download our pack. Another thing I would like
to mention is that VOR will be mentioned in the upcoming release of
corruption. Thanks to CX, for allowing us to present an article about us and
all. This pack is kinda small this month due to quite a few reasons. Mainly
because of semester finals, and also due to several internal changes.
Overall though it seems that this pack has improved quite a bit. Hollow
Point again has managed to produce a hell of a lot more ansis than anyone
else in the group, creating a sort of imbalance, but with excellent art as
always. One more thing I would like to mention is that VOR now has two
seperate packs. One for art, and the other filled with kick-ass MODs created
by our composers. So be sure to check out that mod pack.
Thats all Ive got for now...enjoy the pack.
Dark Wolf
Members List
Member Name Position of Member
Dark Wolf...................President/VGA Artist/ANSI Artist/Mod Writer
Venom.......................Council Member/Co-VGA Head
Widow Maker.................Council Member/ANSI Artist/Co-VGA Head
Hollow Point................Council Member/ANSI Head
Sinister Outlaw.............Head Coder
Alexei R....................Raytracer/VGA Artist
Scythe......................ANSI Artist/Mod
Grim Reaper.................Raytracer
MuttonHead..................VGA Artist/Mod Head
Tommy Lee...................ANSI Artist
Humble......................Mod Musician
Insector-X..................ANSI Artist
Note to Members: If your name isnt on the list this month, its because
we didnt see any art from you.
Distro Sites
Board Name Number SYSOP Position
Seminole Wind.................301 236-9030......Osceola WHQ
Dawn of Darkness..............703 941-2366......Bast Distro
Urban Killing Fields..........301 657-3049......Doc Anarchy Distro
E.C.C.........................301 236-0259......Humble Distro
Ultimate Reality..............301 831-9622......Liquid Dream Distro
Note: If I forgot any of you, Im very sorry, please leave me or any of the
members e-mail.
ATOMIC: I wanna see your pack! I wanna see your pack!
OA: Sorry I forgot you last month.. You the man!
Keep trying, no matter how low you may seem. And when you start
doing bad, dont take it out on others, its nobodys fault.
ANYONE I FORGOT: My fault. Sorry.
Again, its been a busy month. An additional senior member was added to the
list. Congradulate Hollow Point if you see him. Not only is he a great ANSI
artist, but he has shown great leadership skills while heading the ANSI divi-
sion. This month people were held back because of mid-terms. I know, excuses
dont do any good, but people have been busy studying all month. In the end,
we still got the job done for the month and have quite a bit for the pack.
We have decided that we are going to release the mods in a seperate pack, for
last month, the mods made up over one meg of pack which was large enough so
that the couriers TURBINE had to cut the whole pack by a meg. Not much
has gone on internally for us besides for the promotion of HP. We have a
new application generator, thanks to Asterix. Im not going to waste your
time anymore with telling you guys about our backround read the other nfo
files in our other packs for that, so I guess thats it. Ill let the pack
say the rest.
Widow Maker
I must say that weve come a long way from when we began with only
four members about half a year ago. I would like to say that VOR is very
sorry about creating a pack that was just way too big. We hope that our
efforts this month with shortening the pack help the couriers the average
user with less of a hassle to download our pack. Another thing I would like
to mention is that VOR will be mentioned in the upcoming release of
corruption. Thanks to CX, for allowing us to present an article about us and
all. This pack is kinda small this month due to quite a few reasons. Mainly
because of semester finals, and also due to several internal changes.
Overall though it seems that this pack has improved quite a bit. Hollow
Point again has managed to produce a hell of a lot more ansis than anyone
else in the group, creating a sort of imbalance, but with excellent art as
always. One more thing I would like to mention is that VOR now has two
seperate packs. One for art, and the other filled with kick-ass MODs created
by our composers. So be sure to check out that mod pack.
Thats all Ive got for now...enjoy the pack.
Dark Wolf
Members List
Member Name Position of Member
Dark Wolf...................President/VGA Artist/ANSI Artist/Mod Writer
Venom.......................Council Member/Co-VGA Head
Widow Maker.................Council Member/ANSI Artist/Co-VGA Head
Hollow Point................Council Member/ANSI Head
Sinister Outlaw.............Head Coder
Alexei R....................Raytracer/VGA Artist
Scythe......................ANSI Artist/Mod
Grim Reaper.................Raytracer
MuttonHead..................VGA Artist/Mod Head
Tommy Lee...................ANSI Artist
Humble......................Mod Musician
Insector-X..................ANSI Artist
Note to Members: If your name isnt on the list this month, its because
we didnt see any art from you.
Distro Sites
Board Name Number SYSOP Position
Seminole Wind.................301 236-9030......Osceola WHQ
Dawn of Darkness..............703 941-2366......Bast Distro
Urban Killing Fields..........301 657-3049......Doc Anarchy Distro
E.C.C.........................301 236-0259......Humble Distro
Ultimate Reality..............301 831-9622......Liquid Dream Distro
Note: If I forgot any of you, Im very sorry, please leave me or any of the
members e-mail.
ATOMIC: I wanna see your pack! I wanna see your pack!
OA: Sorry I forgot you last month.. You the man!
Keep trying, no matter how low you may seem. And when you start
doing bad, dont take it out on others, its nobodys fault.
ANYONE I FORGOT: My fault. Sorry.
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