this image contains text
! V I O L E N T R E S I S T A N C E !
- News -
Joined! - f00L joined as ansi artist
System Error joined as DIST
Gone! - The Edge are kicked as DIST due to Board shutting down
- Euro Trade are kicked as DIST due to Board shutting down
- pike quitted VRS - May satan possess yar soul ..
- Misfit kicked due to inactivity
- 96-07-30
..agony is healthy.. ..Pain makes us strong..
Aliaz Doing 2 Letter Alias
lmighty Maestro/Ans Al
Nitrogen Maestro/Ans Ni
Slam Ansi Artist Sl
Berzerkr Ans/ascii/PPE Bz
Symbolic Ascii Artist Sy
F00l Ascii Artist F0
Loner Coder EXE
Chastisement EXE/Musician
Zorbas PPE/PAS/Courier
Sunbird Courier
Mode Courier
Enchanter Courier
Bradshaw Courier
..only death is real.. ..Pain causes success..
Almighty -- - +46-63-108887
Switzerland HQ
Moonlight -- - +41-1-322-7129
Swedish Memberboards
RsW BBS -- - +46-63-86286
Inverted Mind -- - +46-510-66168
Ravaged -- - +46-510-60053
Previal -- - +46-304-678236
Virtual Empire -- - +46-920-89148
The Edge -- - +46-35-30269
Euro Trade -- - +46-Temp Down
Ebola -- - +46-36-363777
Cobra -- - +46-8-927350
System Error -- - +46-303-49242
Feel Free To Apply As An Dist Or Hq
The World Headquarter /LMiGHTY has been down for 6 month, therefore this iS The first release since it broke down, now my board is up again and kicking iN Pcboard, now VRS will take speed again .. we desperatly need artists ans/asciiAnd at least greets to : NITROGEN, SLAM and F00L that could contribute with somE Material to this pakk, a BIG FUCK to pike, that DIDNT stood by us when we haD
An hard time .. may u suffer in ALL eternity.. grff..
- News -
Joined! - f00L joined as ansi artist
System Error joined as DIST
Gone! - The Edge are kicked as DIST due to Board shutting down
- Euro Trade are kicked as DIST due to Board shutting down
- pike quitted VRS - May satan possess yar soul ..
- Misfit kicked due to inactivity
- 96-07-30
..agony is healthy.. ..Pain makes us strong..
Aliaz Doing 2 Letter Alias
lmighty Maestro/Ans Al
Nitrogen Maestro/Ans Ni
Slam Ansi Artist Sl
Berzerkr Ans/ascii/PPE Bz
Symbolic Ascii Artist Sy
F00l Ascii Artist F0
Loner Coder EXE
Chastisement EXE/Musician
Zorbas PPE/PAS/Courier
Sunbird Courier
Mode Courier
Enchanter Courier
Bradshaw Courier
..only death is real.. ..Pain causes success..
Almighty -- - +46-63-108887
Switzerland HQ
Moonlight -- - +41-1-322-7129
Swedish Memberboards
RsW BBS -- - +46-63-86286
Inverted Mind -- - +46-510-66168
Ravaged -- - +46-510-60053
Previal -- - +46-304-678236
Virtual Empire -- - +46-920-89148
The Edge -- - +46-35-30269
Euro Trade -- - +46-Temp Down
Ebola -- - +46-36-363777
Cobra -- - +46-8-927350
System Error -- - +46-303-49242
Feel Free To Apply As An Dist Or Hq
The World Headquarter /LMiGHTY has been down for 6 month, therefore this iS The first release since it broke down, now my board is up again and kicking iN Pcboard, now VRS will take speed again .. we desperatly need artists ans/asciiAnd at least greets to : NITROGEN, SLAM and F00L that could contribute with somE Material to this pakk, a BIG FUCK to pike, that DIDNT stood by us when we haD
An hard time .. may u suffer in ALL eternity.. grff..
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