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Hello, this is the first pack of WARRIORS. Im very pleased
to offer our pictures. The first pack isnt very big,
because WARRIORS doesnt have enough Members. If you have time and you want draw pictures for WARRIORS, APPLY !!! Start the application generator and answer to all questions, please. Thx.. Thank you Kyp for coding this application generator. I got it recently before this pack release and so they are faults into them. My EMailaddress at the end of the application generator is wrong and you have to use shy@ce-bbs.rhein-main.de . Thx.... I will be happy for all comments I will get for this pack, because a feed-back is a nice thing - Send all comments
to shy@ce-bbs.rhein-main.de or call our W H Q CE-BBS +49-069-95732079 28.8/ISDN with handle: warriors password: warriors and leave a Message to SHY !!! Thats all for now. I hope to see your comments - -SHY
to offer our pictures. The first pack isnt very big,
because WARRIORS doesnt have enough Members. If you have time and you want draw pictures for WARRIORS, APPLY !!! Start the application generator and answer to all questions, please. Thx.. Thank you Kyp for coding this application generator. I got it recently before this pack release and so they are faults into them. My EMailaddress at the end of the application generator is wrong and you have to use shy@ce-bbs.rhein-main.de . Thx.... I will be happy for all comments I will get for this pack, because a feed-back is a nice thing - Send all comments
to shy@ce-bbs.rhein-main.de or call our W H Q CE-BBS +49-069-95732079 28.8/ISDN with handle: warriors password: warriors and leave a Message to SHY !!! Thats all for now. I hope to see your comments - -SHY
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