this image contains text
wasted obfuscated evolution
demon...........................................d3m0n@juno.com p0gue...........................................pogue@mindless.com
mordrid/badboy counselor........................m0rdrid@ix.netcom.com
exoduz/newuser spank boy.............................................
chaos/codin master..................................................
pistol/webpage illuminator...........................................
toxic/chief slave boy................................................
gehko/vga whore....................................alien@mindport.net
shypht/ascii sensa...............................evanschu@vaxxine.com
surfing/music man..............................roberto.alicata@ntt.it
befeater gehko shypht
d3bauch goofy twist
dr seuss indo g the genocidal servant
flash joda oriole mr plastik
krypt keeper/tp sirius/tp/asm
chaos/iq green lantern/tg
dee lots/tg katt/tg
esc/tg/ill isix/tg
dOrm/iq/itc silica avatar/tg/rg/iq
dunkeheit/bbs the almighty 1/bbs
progressive/ftp/bbs rafson/ftp/bbs
eldorado/world headquarter.....................+1 xxx
paradise lost/european hq ........................+47
dune/french hq ...................................+33
sleep walker/swedish hq ..........................+46
mental storm/dutch hq ............................+31
midnight/brazillian hq ...........................+55
nailed to the cross/australian hq ...............+612
sacred grounds/belgium hq ........................+32
the terrordrome/german hq ........................+49
slam city/norwegian hq ...........................+47
bozack/member board ...........................+1 847
eh!?/member board .............................+1 905
epoch/member board ............................+1 905
hell bbs/member board ............................+47
laugh house/member board ......................+1 805
neo jello/member board ........................+1 281
outer limits/member board .....................+1 805
universal dreams/member board ....................+47
ftp sites -
walnut creek/usa ...................................... ftp.cdrom.com
www sites -
-- woe moddifications/international ............. http://woe.home.ml.org
-- woe euro mirror site ..................... http://www.modernz.net/woe
woe dr seuss styles .......................... http://w0e.home.ml.org
checkit! a whole twelve ways to contact us!
one .... intl www ............................ http://woe.home.ml.org
two .... mirror .......................... http://www.modernz.net/woe
three .. drs www ............................. http://w0e.home.ml.org
four ... po www ........................ http://woe-nelly.home.ml.org
five ... fls www ....................... http://flashzwoe.home.ml.org
six .... ftp .......................................... ftp.cdrom.com
seven .. woe north american deference ............. eldorado @ +1 xxx
eight .. woe european deference ........ paradise lost @ +47 22xxxxxx
nine ... woe australian hq ...... nailed to the cross @ +612 99821102
ten .... woe south american deference ................ midnight @ +55
eleven . woe woes direct email .................. pogue@mindless.com
twelve . irc ......................................... woe via EFNet
check the color of tha text to check its current status...
lite .. active item, submitted work, contacted group recently
hard .. partially inactive item -- dint contacts group recently
or dint submit work fo this month a procrappinator :
dark .. inactive/dead item, no contacts with no hoes, and wil be
removed on tha next upcoming info if inactiveness conts pink .. pink colored name indicates item thas no longer with woe and will be removed on tha next member list release/pack
blue .. blue indicates a trial member. membership still pending
white . text thas white out are items that are new in / to woe
gold .. indicates that tha items changed since last member list
changes include handles, info, or member re-positioning
-- ... indicates that this item has been updated.
if you want to join wOe, our mailbox is always opened.
looking for:
artist of any fields/ansi dept. head/coding dept.head
modders of any bbs systems/coders of any languages
if you are interested, fill out the included appgen, and
email the app to pogue@mindless.com or any memberboard and
let them contact us. Please allow a day or 2 for a response.
memberlist C woe moddifications 1997 - structure art by dreadnought
A C Copyright PHunkee Ansee Technicians productions 1997 artwork
demon...........................................d3m0n@juno.com p0gue...........................................pogue@mindless.com
mordrid/badboy counselor........................m0rdrid@ix.netcom.com
exoduz/newuser spank boy.............................................
chaos/codin master..................................................
pistol/webpage illuminator...........................................
toxic/chief slave boy................................................
gehko/vga whore....................................alien@mindport.net
shypht/ascii sensa...............................evanschu@vaxxine.com
surfing/music man..............................roberto.alicata@ntt.it
befeater gehko shypht
d3bauch goofy twist
dr seuss indo g the genocidal servant
flash joda oriole mr plastik
krypt keeper/tp sirius/tp/asm
chaos/iq green lantern/tg
dee lots/tg katt/tg
esc/tg/ill isix/tg
dOrm/iq/itc silica avatar/tg/rg/iq
dunkeheit/bbs the almighty 1/bbs
progressive/ftp/bbs rafson/ftp/bbs
eldorado/world headquarter.....................+1 xxx
paradise lost/european hq ........................+47
dune/french hq ...................................+33
sleep walker/swedish hq ..........................+46
mental storm/dutch hq ............................+31
midnight/brazillian hq ...........................+55
nailed to the cross/australian hq ...............+612
sacred grounds/belgium hq ........................+32
the terrordrome/german hq ........................+49
slam city/norwegian hq ...........................+47
bozack/member board ...........................+1 847
eh!?/member board .............................+1 905
epoch/member board ............................+1 905
hell bbs/member board ............................+47
laugh house/member board ......................+1 805
neo jello/member board ........................+1 281
outer limits/member board .....................+1 805
universal dreams/member board ....................+47
ftp sites -
walnut creek/usa ...................................... ftp.cdrom.com
www sites -
-- woe moddifications/international ............. http://woe.home.ml.org
-- woe euro mirror site ..................... http://www.modernz.net/woe
woe dr seuss styles .......................... http://w0e.home.ml.org
checkit! a whole twelve ways to contact us!
one .... intl www ............................ http://woe.home.ml.org
two .... mirror .......................... http://www.modernz.net/woe
three .. drs www ............................. http://w0e.home.ml.org
four ... po www ........................ http://woe-nelly.home.ml.org
five ... fls www ....................... http://flashzwoe.home.ml.org
six .... ftp .......................................... ftp.cdrom.com
seven .. woe north american deference ............. eldorado @ +1 xxx
eight .. woe european deference ........ paradise lost @ +47 22xxxxxx
nine ... woe australian hq ...... nailed to the cross @ +612 99821102
ten .... woe south american deference ................ midnight @ +55
eleven . woe woes direct email .................. pogue@mindless.com
twelve . irc ......................................... woe via EFNet
check the color of tha text to check its current status...
lite .. active item, submitted work, contacted group recently
hard .. partially inactive item -- dint contacts group recently
or dint submit work fo this month a procrappinator :
dark .. inactive/dead item, no contacts with no hoes, and wil be
removed on tha next upcoming info if inactiveness conts pink .. pink colored name indicates item thas no longer with woe and will be removed on tha next member list release/pack
blue .. blue indicates a trial member. membership still pending
white . text thas white out are items that are new in / to woe
gold .. indicates that tha items changed since last member list
changes include handles, info, or member re-positioning
-- ... indicates that this item has been updated.
if you want to join wOe, our mailbox is always opened.
looking for:
artist of any fields/ansi dept. head/coding dept.head
modders of any bbs systems/coders of any languages
if you are interested, fill out the included appgen, and
email the app to pogue@mindless.com or any memberboard and
let them contact us. Please allow a day or 2 for a response.
memberlist C woe moddifications 1997 - structure art by dreadnought
A C Copyright PHunkee Ansee Technicians productions 1997 artwork
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