this image contains text
---- WORLD Pud Template ----
Title - Goo
Filename - vx-goo.wad
Author - Vex
Email Address - curtis@cs.mun.ca
Short Description - A coo war2 stage
Additional Credits to - WoRLD
---- General Info ----
Single Player - yeah
Cooperative - no
Warmatch - YES
Difficulty 1-10 - 7
New Sounds - no
Construction Time - a lil while
---- Long Description ----
A coo war2 stage! Lotsa coo goo water everywhere! Yay!
---- Dos and Donts ----
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional
levels! Do it and DIE!
You may NOT distribute this PUD. Tell people to get it from the
same place you got it.
---- Places Where This PUD Is Found ----
BBS Names and Numbers - TAR 709 579-1YAK
FTP Sites - nada
WEB Sites - http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/smiley/62/index.html
Title - Goo
Filename - vx-goo.wad
Author - Vex
Email Address - curtis@cs.mun.ca
Short Description - A coo war2 stage
Additional Credits to - WoRLD
---- General Info ----
Single Player - yeah
Cooperative - no
Warmatch - YES
Difficulty 1-10 - 7
New Sounds - no
Construction Time - a lil while
---- Long Description ----
A coo war2 stage! Lotsa coo goo water everywhere! Yay!
---- Dos and Donts ----
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional
levels! Do it and DIE!
You may NOT distribute this PUD. Tell people to get it from the
same place you got it.
---- Places Where This PUD Is Found ----
BBS Names and Numbers - TAR 709 579-1YAK
FTP Sites - nada
WEB Sites - http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/smiley/62/index.html
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