this image contains text
Joe Satraini - Surfing With the Alien
letostak@ix.netcom.com Judy Letostak
email letostak@ix.netcom.com to sign up for
yet another guitar/bass tab mailing list.
All bends are 1/4 bends unless othewise notated.
Jet Airplane sounds
Rhy Fig 1
-----------------end Rhy Fig 1
Main melody
10x 4x
3x 3x
14w/bar-----jet plane sounds
with bar listen for the exact notes when he dips
end bar
16x 6x
Again with the bar
Fade out
h hammeron ps pick scrape
p pulloff repeat phrase
vibrato letostak@ix.netcom.com
b bend + natural harmonic
/ Slide
* Artificial Harmonic
x ghost note
tr trill
To unsubscribe to Metal Edge mailing list please email a blank
message to: unsubscribe@coolist.com and you will receive
instructions. No disclaimers, guitar tab is free and always
should be. Distribute these tabs as you see fit.
letostak@ix.netcom.com Judy Letostak
email letostak@ix.netcom.com to sign up for
yet another guitar/bass tab mailing list.
All bends are 1/4 bends unless othewise notated.
Jet Airplane sounds
Rhy Fig 1
-----------------end Rhy Fig 1
Main melody
10x 4x
3x 3x
14w/bar-----jet plane sounds
with bar listen for the exact notes when he dips
end bar
16x 6x
Again with the bar
Fade out
h hammeron ps pick scrape
p pulloff repeat phrase
vibrato letostak@ix.netcom.com
b bend + natural harmonic
/ Slide
* Artificial Harmonic
x ghost note
tr trill
To unsubscribe to Metal Edge mailing list please email a blank
message to: unsubscribe@coolist.com and you will receive
instructions. No disclaimers, guitar tab is free and always
should be. Distribute these tabs as you see fit.
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