this image contains text
:::: a: ,: aa aa aa aa : a ::::
:::: : : : : : : ::::!pm
:::: : : : : ssa ::::
:::: : : d .... d: : :a ::::
:::: :::: a : ::::
Fuck it all, and Fucking no regrets!
Warlock Pack 04 for 1997
Precious Metal letostak@ix.netcom.com
Jondular pshields@pacbell.net
Blacklist WHQ Precious Metal XXX-XXX-XXXX
Operation Mindcrime Mr. Sandman XXX-XXX-XXXX
Wild World RastaMan XXX-XXX-XXXX
The Pharsyde BBS Shmad 250-PRI-VATE
South American HQ
Paran0ia BBS +55-11-522-4908
Belgian HQ
Unreal BBS Nostalgic +32-3-653-0365
3 gigz 2 nodez
WWW: http://www.netcom.com/letostak/main.htm
ftp: ftp.cdrom.com .4/artpacks/incoming/artpacks
If youd like to draw or just guest in Warlock...Email
letostak@ix.netcom.com and send in 2-3 pieces of your work.
or catch me on irc.
Not much new this ERA! Been doin lotsa stuff for
Riot and reqests on irc
You can find me on riot or ascii
You can also find more of my work in the Riot packs
on cdrom or Riots WWW page.
Anywaysis, my band Get Over It. Will probs be
playin out soon, you gotta catch it, we rock!!!!
Well be doin mostly San Diego, what the hell am
I sayin! ONLY San Diego, unless, of course, we can
get signed : Uh Huh, sure, dream on......
Maybe a tape soon...4-track shitty quality thingy :
Greetz to all in Riot, Warlock distro Sys0ps.
:::: : : : : : : ::::!pm
:::: : : : : ssa ::::
:::: : : d .... d: : :a ::::
:::: :::: a : ::::
Fuck it all, and Fucking no regrets!
Warlock Pack 04 for 1997
Precious Metal letostak@ix.netcom.com
Jondular pshields@pacbell.net
Blacklist WHQ Precious Metal XXX-XXX-XXXX
Operation Mindcrime Mr. Sandman XXX-XXX-XXXX
Wild World RastaMan XXX-XXX-XXXX
The Pharsyde BBS Shmad 250-PRI-VATE
South American HQ
Paran0ia BBS +55-11-522-4908
Belgian HQ
Unreal BBS Nostalgic +32-3-653-0365
3 gigz 2 nodez
WWW: http://www.netcom.com/letostak/main.htm
ftp: ftp.cdrom.com .4/artpacks/incoming/artpacks
If youd like to draw or just guest in Warlock...Email
letostak@ix.netcom.com and send in 2-3 pieces of your work.
or catch me on irc.
Not much new this ERA! Been doin lotsa stuff for
Riot and reqests on irc
You can find me on riot or ascii
You can also find more of my work in the Riot packs
on cdrom or Riots WWW page.
Anywaysis, my band Get Over It. Will probs be
playin out soon, you gotta catch it, we rock!!!!
Well be doin mostly San Diego, what the hell am
I sayin! ONLY San Diego, unless, of course, we can
get signed : Uh Huh, sure, dream on......
Maybe a tape soon...4-track shitty quality thingy :
Greetz to all in Riot, Warlock distro Sys0ps.
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