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Pack 003
Member Name Email
Gossamer Axe Art/Modding/Programming/Web gsmraxe@pacbell.net
Grymmjack Art/Modding/Programming/Web grymmjack@home.com
ne0akt Art/Modding/Programming/Web neil.santos@livewire.com.ph
Gryphon Art/Modding/Programming/Web cyberiabbs@yahoo.com
grem Art/Modding/Programming/Web grem770@bellsouth.net
pailhead Art/Modding/Programming/Web pailhead@tampabay.rr.com
xzipolito Art/Modding/Programming/Web arcworld@yahoo.com
psychoholic Art/Modding/Programming/Web jayho0@lycos.com
g00r00 Art/Modding/Programming/Web ccoyle@ptd.net
maskreet Art/Modding/Programming/Web maskreet@hotmail.com
phciner Art/Modding/Programming/Web renic@sbcglobal.net
as-d Art/Modding/Programming/Web serovsky@newmail.ru
http://www.sector7bbs.com/warlock -- Official Website --
On EFNet warlock -- come visit us!
Distrosite Address Sysop
Metal Edge metaledge.darktech.org Gossamer Axe
Sector7 sector7bbs.com Grymmjack
Facility BBS coming soon Pailhead
The Lounge +31-344-634429 / +31-344-634470 Martigan
Stompin Grounds sgbbs.etowns.net Taijiu
pulse coming soon g00r00
scratched reality coming soon Maskreet
Weve gotten a few new people to join warlock inbetween pack 2 and 3
g00r00 - Author of Mystic bbs software amongst other things
Maskreet - Ascii/Ansi artist who needs to put his bbs back up!
phciner - Awesome ansi artist!
as-d - Ex Secular and Smr ascii artist!
welcome to warlock guys!
Things are going really well for Warlock, 4 people have signed up between
packs, Grymmjack is vigilantly improving our website look for a new and
improved site soon, a lot of things will be added to the site. We have setup
our channel warlock on EFNet, come on in and join us!
Look for some great Mystic mods from g00r00 and great art from Maskreet,
phciner, and as-d
I stress this every pack, if you apply, please send us a sample of your
work OR tell us which groups you used to be in so we can check out your
work that way. We will not accept you unless you show us what you can
Notes from the members:
Gossamer Axe - Ive been working on Minux Mystic Linux Setup which is
basically Mystic that looks like a Linux shell complete
with dmesg logon screen, modified prompts, cd .. to go back
a menu and cute little penguins Ill be putting out
modifications to this in future packs when I get ideas or
if you have a suggestion, email it to me or leave a comment
on metal edge bbs.
Pack 003
Member Name Email
Gossamer Axe Art/Modding/Programming/Web gsmraxe@pacbell.net
Grymmjack Art/Modding/Programming/Web grymmjack@home.com
ne0akt Art/Modding/Programming/Web neil.santos@livewire.com.ph
Gryphon Art/Modding/Programming/Web cyberiabbs@yahoo.com
grem Art/Modding/Programming/Web grem770@bellsouth.net
pailhead Art/Modding/Programming/Web pailhead@tampabay.rr.com
xzipolito Art/Modding/Programming/Web arcworld@yahoo.com
psychoholic Art/Modding/Programming/Web jayho0@lycos.com
g00r00 Art/Modding/Programming/Web ccoyle@ptd.net
maskreet Art/Modding/Programming/Web maskreet@hotmail.com
phciner Art/Modding/Programming/Web renic@sbcglobal.net
as-d Art/Modding/Programming/Web serovsky@newmail.ru
http://www.sector7bbs.com/warlock -- Official Website --
On EFNet warlock -- come visit us!
Distrosite Address Sysop
Metal Edge metaledge.darktech.org Gossamer Axe
Sector7 sector7bbs.com Grymmjack
Facility BBS coming soon Pailhead
The Lounge +31-344-634429 / +31-344-634470 Martigan
Stompin Grounds sgbbs.etowns.net Taijiu
pulse coming soon g00r00
scratched reality coming soon Maskreet
Weve gotten a few new people to join warlock inbetween pack 2 and 3
g00r00 - Author of Mystic bbs software amongst other things
Maskreet - Ascii/Ansi artist who needs to put his bbs back up!
phciner - Awesome ansi artist!
as-d - Ex Secular and Smr ascii artist!
welcome to warlock guys!
Things are going really well for Warlock, 4 people have signed up between
packs, Grymmjack is vigilantly improving our website look for a new and
improved site soon, a lot of things will be added to the site. We have setup
our channel warlock on EFNet, come on in and join us!
Look for some great Mystic mods from g00r00 and great art from Maskreet,
phciner, and as-d
I stress this every pack, if you apply, please send us a sample of your
work OR tell us which groups you used to be in so we can check out your
work that way. We will not accept you unless you show us what you can
Notes from the members:
Gossamer Axe - Ive been working on Minux Mystic Linux Setup which is
basically Mystic that looks like a Linux shell complete
with dmesg logon screen, modified prompts, cd .. to go back
a menu and cute little penguins Ill be putting out
modifications to this in future packs when I get ideas or
if you have a suggestion, email it to me or leave a comment
on metal edge bbs.
log in to add a comment.