this image contains text
z e n i t h
zenith:a peak, a climax
, peak,
summit, vertex, crest,
crown .
It has been a long time. The
cene is once more becoming vibrant,
and peo
ple are drawing again. Although
eq many of the boards are
nt coming back,
people a
re drawing finally for arts
Zenith is a grou
p set to forge
in this new rejuvenation of the
ene. Hoping that the scene will one
ay return to its former glory, we
continuously dra
w and improve our
tyles to what we want our art to be.
d by TaintedX and Egoteq,
the group is noth
ing short of a family,
always there to help an
The other members are:
Enzo: A great toon arti
st that never
ceases to amaze me.
The powerful style
of drawing is tru
ly original.
Fever: An old Twilight
bud that always
puts out great art. His art alw
creates a brand new persp
ective to
every character, and his dedica
and attitude are trul
y unique in the
Mr 4Tune
: One of the great people that
overflows with ta
lent, his quick
skill development in his art is
often proclaimed id
His skill at creating the
most original font designs make
s this
artist one of the best in his c
Always unique, and always
Retribution: Hes stopp
ed drawing for
a while but now hes
back with a
vengeance. His outl
ines are astounding
and hes always e
ager to draw more.
Savage Dragon: Still se
arching for time
to dedica
te to his art, but excels at
bringing group members closer toget
Operating the ch
annel bots, hes always
there to share some good advice.
rit of Rage: One of the best source-
based artists I kno
w. Working steadily
on his original p
ics, he always finds
ideas that are unique and artis
ToonsXilion/Fizban: Ano
ther toon artist
who presents original ideas in 80x25.
His art is brilliant and creati
ve, and
his style is matched
by noone.
g Lo: Our dedicated advisor, he is
always there to p
resent fresh new ideas
to the group. Returning from a
hiatus, he returns bringing more art
teeming with originality.
There you have it, a grou
p of greats in
the making
. I hope you enjoy this
It is a first of many more
to come a start of a new era.
zenith:a peak, a climax
, peak,
summit, vertex, crest,
crown .
It has been a long time. The
cene is once more becoming vibrant,
and peo
ple are drawing again. Although
eq many of the boards are
nt coming back,
people a
re drawing finally for arts
Zenith is a grou
p set to forge
in this new rejuvenation of the
ene. Hoping that the scene will one
ay return to its former glory, we
continuously dra
w and improve our
tyles to what we want our art to be.
d by TaintedX and Egoteq,
the group is noth
ing short of a family,
always there to help an
The other members are:
Enzo: A great toon arti
st that never
ceases to amaze me.
The powerful style
of drawing is tru
ly original.
Fever: An old Twilight
bud that always
puts out great art. His art alw
creates a brand new persp
ective to
every character, and his dedica
and attitude are trul
y unique in the
Mr 4Tune
: One of the great people that
overflows with ta
lent, his quick
skill development in his art is
often proclaimed id
His skill at creating the
most original font designs make
s this
artist one of the best in his c
Always unique, and always
Retribution: Hes stopp
ed drawing for
a while but now hes
back with a
vengeance. His outl
ines are astounding
and hes always e
ager to draw more.
Savage Dragon: Still se
arching for time
to dedica
te to his art, but excels at
bringing group members closer toget
Operating the ch
annel bots, hes always
there to share some good advice.
rit of Rage: One of the best source-
based artists I kno
w. Working steadily
on his original p
ics, he always finds
ideas that are unique and artis
ToonsXilion/Fizban: Ano
ther toon artist
who presents original ideas in 80x25.
His art is brilliant and creati
ve, and
his style is matched
by noone.
g Lo: Our dedicated advisor, he is
always there to p
resent fresh new ideas
to the group. Returning from a
hiatus, he returns bringing more art
teeming with originality.
There you have it, a grou
p of greats in
the making
. I hope you enjoy this
It is a first of many more
to come a start of a new era.
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