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sodapop family the invitation
hello there and welcome to the first issue of sodapop family.
the point of this pack is to attract members to join us,
well. the attraction may not be so big but we did this just
for fun and wanted to release it as soon as possible. which is
now monday 03151999 and we will continue this even without
other members if we have to.
theres nothing fancy i can tell you to get you deciding this over
big groups like avenge, glue, cia, ice etc. but theres one thing.
which overs all the reasons to join. this is small. and it always
will be, we didnt form this to rock the scene up and show it a
new era of ansi.
the source of name SODAPOP is actually from a finnish caf called
SODAPOP. if you dont like it, dont like it. but still. we do.
boring infos suck, dont you agree?. so we make em just to bore you.
bored up enough?
luminator Only thing I can think now is that its more than nice
to be back and active again.
prst Only thing I can think now is that its more than nice
to be active.
now to the boring memberlist and stupid background checks.
name: luminator past groups: fuel, blah blah
name: prosthesis past groups: glue, avenge really just a day.
sorry CRAIG!
something youre going to see soon. will over all your exceptions.
we really suck more than you thought!. hah
after the rain, must come the sun, after the pain, must come the fun
so thats why we gotto end now.. prosthesis out.
hello there and welcome to the first issue of sodapop family.
the point of this pack is to attract members to join us,
well. the attraction may not be so big but we did this just
for fun and wanted to release it as soon as possible. which is
now monday 03151999 and we will continue this even without
other members if we have to.
theres nothing fancy i can tell you to get you deciding this over
big groups like avenge, glue, cia, ice etc. but theres one thing.
which overs all the reasons to join. this is small. and it always
will be, we didnt form this to rock the scene up and show it a
new era of ansi.
the source of name SODAPOP is actually from a finnish caf called
SODAPOP. if you dont like it, dont like it. but still. we do.
boring infos suck, dont you agree?. so we make em just to bore you.
bored up enough?
luminator Only thing I can think now is that its more than nice
to be back and active again.
prst Only thing I can think now is that its more than nice
to be active.
now to the boring memberlist and stupid background checks.
name: luminator past groups: fuel, blah blah
name: prosthesis past groups: glue, avenge really just a day.
sorry CRAIG!
something youre going to see soon. will over all your exceptions.
we really suck more than you thought!. hah
after the rain, must come the sun, after the pain, must come the fun
so thats why we gotto end now.. prosthesis out.
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