this image contains text
s o d a p o p f a m i l y
earth 2
jointby luminator prst.
of sodapop family
outlines: mostly prst.
coloring: mostly luminator
shading: mostly luminator
sodapop font: luminator
upper logo surroundings: prst.
upper logo surroundings recoloring and restyling: luminator
e2 logo outlines: prst.
e2 logo relcoloring: luminator
touchups and fuckups: luminator
Can it be harder than this.
earth 2
jointby luminator prst.
of sodapop family
outlines: mostly prst.
coloring: mostly luminator
shading: mostly luminator
sodapop font: luminator
upper logo surroundings: prst.
upper logo surroundings recoloring and restyling: luminator
e2 logo outlines: prst.
e2 logo relcoloring: luminator
touchups and fuckups: luminator
Can it be harder than this.
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